Brent’s method is a hybrid root-finding algorithm combining the bisection method, the secant method, and inverse quadratic interpolation.
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.optimize as optimize def f(x): return 2*x - 1 + 2*np.cos(np.pi*x) x = np.linspace(0.0,2.0,201) y=f(x) plt.plot(x,y,label='$2x - 1 + 2\\cos(\\pi x) = 0$') x0 = optimize.brentq(f, 0.0, 1.0) x1 = optimize.brentq(f, 1.0, 2.0) print('x0 =',x0) print('x1 =',x1) plt.scatter(x0, f(x0),c='red') plt.scatter(x1, f(x1),c='red') plt.legend(loc=0) plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$f(x)$') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('ex335.png', dpi=72)
x0 = 0.5 x1 = 1.2364844482415167
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