#268 A progress indicator using tcl/tk.
# Create a simple progress gauge set, initially set to 0% proc gaugeCreate {win {color "gray"} } { frame $win canvas $win.display \ -borderwidth 0 \ -background white \ -highlightthickness 0 \ -width 200 \ -height 20 pack $win.display -expand yes $win.display create rectangle 0 0 0 20 \ -outline "" \ -fill $color \ -tags bar $win.display create text 100 10 \ -anchor c \ -font {-size 14} \ -text "0%" \ -tags value return $win } # Given a gauge, set it to a certain percentage proc gaugeValue {win val} { puts "$win $val" update if {$val < 0 || $val > 100} { error "bad value \"$val\": should be 0-100" } set msg [format "%3.0f%%" $val] $win.display itemconfigure value -text $msg set w [expr 0.01 * $val * [winfo width $win.display]] set h [winfo height $win.display] $win.display coords bar 0 0 $w $h } # Lets test it. # This routine calls itself every 100ms until 100% is reached proc gaugeIncrement {win value} { if {$value <= 100} { gaugeValue $win $value after 100 "gaugeIncrement $win [incr value]" } } pack [gaugeCreate .gauge] gaugeIncrement .gauge 1
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