import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class IV_Problem:
Initial value problem (IVP) class
def __init__(self, rhs, y0, interval, name='IVP'):
rhs 'right hand side' function of the ordinary differential
equation f(t,y)
y0 array with initial values
interval start and end value of the interval of independent
variables often initial and end time
name descriptive name of the problem
self.rhs = rhs
self.y0 = y0
self.t0, self.tend = interval = name
def rhs(t,y):
g = 9.81
l = 1.
yprime = np.array([y[1], g / l * np.sin(y[0])])
return yprime
pendulum = IV_Problem(rhs,np.array([np.pi / 2, 0.]),[0., 20.],'mathem. pendulum')
class IVPsolver:
IVP solver class for explicit one-step discretization methods
with constant step size
def __init__(self, problem, discretization, stepsize):
self.problem = problem
self.discretization = discretization
self.stepsize = stepsize
def one_stepper(self):
yield self.problem.t0, self.problem.y0
ys = self.problem.y0
ts = self.problem.t0
while ts <= self.problem.tend:
ts, ys = self.discretization(self.problem.rhs, ts, ys,
yield ts, ys
def solve(self):
return list(self.one_stepper())
def expliciteuler(rhs, ts, ys, h):
return ts + h, ys + h * rhs(ts, ys)
def rungekutta4(rhs, ts, ys, h):
k1 = h * rhs(ts, ys)
k2 = h * rhs(ts + h/2., ys + k1/2.)
k3 = h * rhs(ts + h/2., ys + k2/2.)
k4 = h * rhs(ts + h, ys + k3)
return ts + h, ys + (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6.
pendulum_Euler = IVPsolver(pendulum, expliciteuler, 0.001)
pendulum_RK4 = IVPsolver(pendulum, rungekutta4, 0.001)
sol_Euler = pendulum_Euler.solve()
sol_RK4 = pendulum_RK4.solve()
tEuler, yEuler = zip(*sol_Euler)
tRK4, yRK4 = zip(*sol_RK4)
plt.title('Pendulum result with Explicit Euler')
plt.ylabel('Angle and angular velocity')
plt.title('Difference between methods RK4 and Euler')
plt.ylabel('Angle and angular velocity')
plt.savefig('ex223.png', dpi=72)

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