List of possible run options for OptiStrut
-analysis | submit an analysis run. Check the optimization data.
-optskip | submit an analysis run without optimization.
-check | submit a check job through the command line.
-nt X | number of threads/cores (X) to be used for multiprocessor (SMP) run.
-np X | number of hosts/domains for SPMD run.
-len X | preferred upper bound on dynamic memory allocation (X in RAM MB).
-maxlen X | hard limit on the upper bound of dynamic memory allocation (X in RAM MB). OptiStruct will not exceed this limit.
-core X | the solver assigns the appropriate memory required. If there is not enough memory available, OptiStruct will error out.
-out | echos the output file to the screen.
-checkel | element quality checks.
-gpu | use GPU enables version of the solver.
-fso | SPMD run with failsafe topology optimization.
-mmo | SPMD run with multiple models optimization.