#177 Random snowflakes using python turtle
import turtle from random import randint def generate_random_colour(): # Generates an R,G,B values randomly in range 0 to 255 r = randint(0, 255) g = randint(0, 255) b = randint(0, 255) return r, g, b def setup_screen(title, background = 'white'): print('Set up Screen') turtle.title(title) turtle.setup(640, 600) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.penup() turtle.tracer(200) # Set the background colour of the screen turtle.bgcolor(background) def draw_snowflake(size): # Draw a picture of a snowflake turtle.penup() turtle.forward(10 * size) turtle.left(45) turtle.pendown() turtle.color(generate_random_colour()) # Draw branch 8 times to make a snowflake for _ in range(8): draw_branch(size) turtle.forward(size) turtle.left(45) turtle.penup() def draw_branch(size): # Draw an individual branch on a snowflake side_branch_size = size / 3 for _ in range(3): for i in range(3): turtle.forward(side_branch_size) turtle.backward(side_branch_size) turtle.right(45) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(side_branch_size) turtle.left(45) turtle.right(90) setup_screen('Snowflakes') # Indicates RGB numbers will be in the range 0 to 255 turtle.colormode(255) print("Drawing snowflakes at random locations") for _ in range(500): x = randint(-320, 100) y = randint(-320, 80) snowflake_size = randint(1, 2) * 10 turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.right(15) draw_snowflake(snowflake_size) turtle.update() print('Done') turtle.done()
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