#123: SOL200 Sensitivity data output

Use DSAPRT card in case control to print sensitivity in f06 file:


This command supports a number of options. The data can be exported to an external file using the EXPORT option.

The EXPORT option writes the data in binary which is a bit user-unfriendly. But:
Formatted sensitivity data can also be written into Comma Separated Values(or CSV) file with following steps:

1. DSAPRT(formatted,..) request in case control. Note that ‘formatted’ is a default option.
2. PARAM,XYUNIT,52 in bulk data. Unit 52 is simply chosen as an example.
3. file assignment statement, such as
ASSIGN USERFILE=’jobname.csv’ FORM=formatted STATUS=new UNIT=52

Card DSAPRT in case control is used tp print sensitivity in f06 file:

Formatted sensitivity can be written into CSV file using following steps:
3) ASSIGN USERFILE=’my_file.csv’ FORM=formatted STATUS=new UNIT=45