#104: How to generate new bulk data using updated design variables from SOL200


Step 1: To extract the updated (modified) element thicknesses, use ECHO=PUNCH (NEWBULK) in the case control section. This will writes the punch file with the updated thicknesses for each element which can be used for further analysis.

Step 2: Read this punch file, which contains updated bulk data into Patran. In the new database, go to File–>Import–>MSC Nastran input–>In the file name tab, type *.pch–>select the punch file –>Hit Apply. This will import all the data into Patran.

Properties and DESVAR entries are changed, while the responses and constraints do not. It is now very convenient to make additional Nastran runs by including this new Bulk Data file in a new job. The new run may continue the SOL200 design task or it could perform a completely new type of analysis, such as nonlinear.

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